Bufo bufo

common toad

Included in the VGP.

Resource Primary Assembly Alternate Assembly
GenBank aBufBuf1: GCA_905171765.1 aBufBuf1: GCA_905171715.1
ENA aBufBuf1: GCA_905171765.1 aBufBuf1: GCA_905171715.1
UCSC Genome Browser aBufBuf1: GCA_905171765.1 aBufBuf1: GCA_905171715.1

metadata.yaml (view) (edit on github)
CC BY-SA 2.0 Rolf Dietrich Brecher (flickr)
Raw Data by Technology
Datatype Individual Bases Coverage Bytes Access
PacBio CLR aBufBuf1 363.27 Gbp 72.01x 648.2 GiB
10x aBufBuf1 568.89 Gbp 112.77x 343.3 GiB
Bionano aBufBuf1 N/A 644.67x 3.7 GiB
Arima aBufBuf1 556.93 Gbp 110.40x 335.6 GiB
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size 5.04 Gbp.
Last upload on 16 March 2020.
Raw Data by Individual
Individual Datatype Bases Coverage Bytes Access
aBufBuf1 PacBio CLR 363.27 Gbp 72.01x 648.2 GiB
10x 568.89 Gbp 112.77x 343.3 GiB
Bionano N/A 644.67x 3.7 GiB
Arima 556.93 Gbp 110.40x 335.6 GiB
Bases and Coverage are approximate.
Coverage based on genome size 5.04 Gbp.
Last upload on 16 March 2020.
Individual 1 Primary Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 16 December 2020
aBufBuf1.pri.cur.20201216.fasta.gz (1.4 GiB)

Quality: 80.6 errors/Mb (QV=40.94)

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 32 11.73 Mbp 0 0.84 Gbp
20 83 8.46 Mbp 1 0.84 Gbp
30 151 6.52 Mbp 1 0.84 Gbp
40 239 5.01 Mbp 2 0.71 Gbp
50 350 3.94 Mbp 3 0.64 Gbp
60 495 2.99 Mbp 3 0.64 Gbp
70 693 2.19 Mbp 4 0.57 Gbp
80 968 1.52 Mbp 5 439.63 Mbp
90 1448 0.70 Mbp 8 230.78 Mbp
100 5505 25 bp 1306 472 bp
1.000x 5506 5.03 Gbp 1307 5.04 Gbp
NG based on genome size 5.04 Gbp.
Individual 1 Alternate Assembly
Version assembly_curated from 16 December 2020
aBufBuf1.alt.cur.20201216.fasta.gz (1.0 GiB)

Quality: not computed

Contigs Scaffolds
NG LG Len LG Len
10 329 0.75 Mbp 326 0.76 Mbp
20 953 0.51 Mbp 943 0.51 Mbp
30 1789 395.40 Kbp 1771 399.44 Kbp
40 2860 310.49 Kbp 2831 314.68 Kbp
50 4230 241.53 Kbp 4190 243.16 Kbp
60 5982 188.40 Kbp 5930 189.89 Kbp
70 8283 140.84 Kbp 8217 141.61 Kbp
80 11424 100.91 Kbp 11343 101.36 Kbp
90 15972 67.64 Kbp 15873 67.85 Kbp
100 24350 166 bp 24194 221 bp
1.000x 24351 3.74 Gbp 24195 3.74 Gbp
NG based on genome size 5.04 Gbp.
Individual 1 Mitochondrial Assembly
Version assembly_MT_rockefeller from 5 October 2019
aBufBuf1.MT.20191005.fasta.gz (5.2 KiB)

Quality: not computed
Data Use Policy

Samples and data come from a variety of sources. To support fair and productive use of this data, please abide by the Data Use Policy and contact Erich D. Jarvis, ejarvis@rockefeller.edu, with any questions.